Monday, December 8, 2008

Read on if you are having a case of the Mondays...

Living in Michigan, the cold winters can really get to you. First all of the leaves fall off the trees, then the days get really short and it's dark at like 6pm, then the wintery weather starts with freezing temperatures and snow, and it's almost always gray and overcast out. The only thing that keeps me going is looking forward to Christmas. It's even more fun when you have special loved ones to spend the time with. It is coming up quickly and then the next thing you know it will be the New Year. Just remember though - here in Michigan we are freezing our butts off until at least March but I've seen snow the last weekend in April a couple years ago and I know at least two times in May when I was growing up. So if you think 55 or 65 degrees is cold, you haven't experienced anything like a Michigan winter. Enjoy those warm sunny days and be thankful you are fortunate enough to bask in their rays of light. In the meantime, if your man is not sure what to get you this Christmas, make it really easy for him and copy and paste this into an email:

Hi sexy, I know it can be really challenging to come up with something to get me for Christmas, but a girl always loves sexy lingerie. Plus look at it this way, it's just like a together gift :) We both benefit ;) Go to this site: Lovers Lane Intimates and buy me whatever you would like. I won't complain at all, here are my sizes (fill in sizes here). Can't wait to open my Christmas presents!! Love, Me

p.s. Here's a sneak preview of something I really liked on their site! Hint Hint...

I'm pretty sure this will work. Stay warm and stay tuned for more later all week long.

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